Select Grade

Select Grade

Select Grade is 100% acrylic, manufactured in the US and matches the colors of Corian® and other popular brands. Select Grade sheets are generally more affordable than other brands because they have not met the manufacturers specifications for one or more of the following reasons: the base color is slightly off from the manufacturer's specification; or the color and dispersion pattern of decorative flecks or swirls embedded in the base color does not meet the manufacturer's specification. Does being off-standard matter? In a production run, ingredients are mixed in a large hopper. The material is extruded as a continuous ribbon of solid surface sheet material onto a moving belt, where it hardens and proceeds through sanders, then cut into lengths. Although a sheet may become Select Grade because it differs from the desired specification, within a production run a sheet will likely be the same as the sheets made just before or after it was extruded, all of which will become Select Grade. It is not likely to matter if an installation uses several Select Grade sheets in a kitchen and only Select Grade is used in that area. It may matter if the Select Grade sheet is joined with the same color sheet that did meet the desired color and fleck specification.

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